1.Mr. Chang said he believed that for the time being, China's competitive edge was still the lower cost of its skilled labor.
2."Of course, " they add, "regulators will be able to hire cheap skilled labor in 2009, just as they were able to in the 1930s. "
3.Some of that is likely due to the chronic shortages of technically skilled labor that plant managers around the world complain about.
4.Wage pressures were reported as "moderate or limited for all but a few skilled-labor positions, " the Fed said.
5.These new technologies are generally proprietary, require a more skilled labor force, and are difficult to duplicate.
6.The manufacture of wooden soldiers and trains requires two types of skilled labor: carpentry and finishing.
7.A shortage of skilled labor in Russia might also prove a problem in developing complex new projects, particularly LNG.
8.With every passing year, more skilled-labor jobs are replaced by complex automation or robotics systems.
9.In addition, the industry faces a dearth of skilled labor to run and maintain even the existing plants.
10.The construction industry continues to use less unskilled and semi-skilled labor.